What Types Of Coffee Exist?

This infusion is much more than a drink used to be awake. It is a fundamental element of our culture and society. Proof of this is the great variety of existing types of coffees, which as a consequence have been derived in the number of existing synonyms.

This diversity is also frequent within the same country! So this generates confusion, and that is why we believe that a complete guide is necessary to guide you. This article is born with that intention; you will learn to differentiate the different ways of ordering a coffee, what differences there are among each other, and other ways of preparation.

According to your presentation

When we think of types of coffee, we usually refer to the way we prepare and add to the infusion. We can use the same grain, the same machine, and even the same amounts of water and coffee. However, what differentiates each of them, is what is accompanied: milk, liquors, ice, etc.

This wide range of options arises from the versatility of this drink, its popularity, and the number of possibilities it offers. It is these factors that have given rise to a whole maze of names that we are going to try to reveal. As a point, the experts in the types of coffee according to their preparation, are the baristas.

So let us know Types of Coffee

Espresso coffee

types of coffee

This is the best known of all. Usually, it is also named as expresso, for its Italian origins. It is also known for its adaptation to Spanish and English: express or express. In some Anglo-Saxon regions, it is also known as black coffee.
The name is given by its rapid preparation. It consists only of 30ml of coffee infusion. The preparation is relatively simple; you just have to pass water by boiling ground coffee beans for 20 or 25 seconds.

It is usually served in small glasses, not much larger than a shot glass. However, expresso is more common to see served in a small cup, whose size is consistent with the amount of liquid.

Arabica coffee

types of coffee

It is one of the simplest forms of preparation, and therefore, the quality of the grain is essential to obtain a good drink. It is generally recommended to use 100% Arabica coffee. A type of Arabica coffee of high quality and at an affordable price is Java coffee:

Furthermore, given its versatility, it has given rise to a multitude of variations. One of the simplest is the royal coffee, which differs only from the only one because it adds a pot of sugar impregnated in chartreuse. In case you do not know, the chartreuse is a French liquor of high rank.

Short Espresso

types of coffee

Do not confuse with the well-known cut, because it does not carry any milk. This infusion contains only 15ml of drink, which is less than a sip! In other places, it is also known as ristretto, piccolo, or simply short espresso.

Its preparation is relatively fast since you will only need to filter boiling water for coffee beans for approximately 15 or 20 seconds.

Double Espresso

types of coffee

As its name suggests, it is double a normal Espresso. That is, it is about 60ml of infusion. In Italy, which is the cradle of these types of coffee, it is known by doppio. And the preparation time is usually around 30 seconds.

Only long

types of coffee

Also known as Expresso largo, or by its name in Italian, the famous lungo. It is composed of 50 and 60ml of infusion liquid. It is therefore very similar to double. Being the two main differences, the preparation time, and the amount of ground coffee. It takes about a minute to have it ready. And a smaller portion of coffee is used.

These two variations give it a very different flavour from the previous one. You get a softer tone, but at the same time more bitter. The main reason is that, by leaving the water to bathe the ground coffee for a longer time, it is possible to extract more quantity of components, which are the ones that will give it that rough touch.

However, this way of preparing it is not universal, and the main variation is usually the amount of infusion. It is not strange then, that in some places they serve you up to 90ml of drink.


types of coffee

It is one of the few types of coffee with the denomination of Spanish origin. The origins of its nickname comes from the Spanish soldiers settled in Cuba, when it was a colony. They drank this drink with rum to catch the corajillo, diminutive of courage.

Its name changes especially between the different regions of the country: For example, in the Balearics and Valencia it is called rebentat, and in Catalonia it is like a cigaló. In other parts of the world, it is called caffé corretto.

There is a variant with a large number of followers. It is the Baylis carajillo. This liquor is of Irish origin, is composed of Whiskey and cream. It is for that last ingredient that will give it a very similar appearance to the cut, however, it is not necessary to confuse them because it is still a single coffee with alcohol. In case it is mixed with condensed milk, creating a coffee with three layers: coffee, Baylis and condensed milk; because of that, it is called three phases.

American Coffee

types of coffee

Also known as sharp coffee, it is a simple variation of espresso. The only extra component is hot water. And you should put as much as coffee. As you can imagine, this lowers the flavour a lot and leaves it softer.
One of the countries in which it has more followers is in Venezuela, where it is known as guayoyo, guarapo, or aguarapa'o coffee. In the rest of the world, it is known by its original name in Italian, Caffè Americano or American coffee.

Café brule

Basically, it is a variation of the carajillo. He is also known as a devil. It is composed of brandy burned with lemon peel accompanied by an expresso alone.

Caribbean coffee
Another type of carajillo but with several extra ingredients. On the one hand, the alcoholic beverage that will be used will be only rum. It will also be accompanied by brown sugar mixed with vanilla.

In some variants, you can also enjoy some amaretto or apricot liqueur. This drink is made from arbaricoque bone and almonds.

Arab coffee

If you like surprising and exotic flavours, this is undoubtedly yours. Arab countries are famous for spicing up most of their meals with spices, that taste was not going to be less with a drink as important as coffee.

This brief drink is apparently a simple single coffee, but in reality, it hides several surprises inside. To assemble it, you will only have to prepare an espresso, to which you will add a bit of ground cardamom or cinnamon. You can complete it by giving it a touch of excellence by pouring a bit of saffron.

As you can see, it's a very expensive kind of seed. Another use, totally out of context of the world of coffee, which can be applied to cocktails, such as using it for Gintonics.

Types of Cutting

This is one of the most popular types of coffees. It is basically a single coffee with a little milk. And it is served in a small cup, usually in a miniature called demitasse.

It is quite common that when asking for it in a bar the waiter asks you how you want the milk: cold, natural or hot. In many of them, they will serve you with vaporized milk, it is what gives that delicious foam that characterizes this type of coffee.

The variety of names is quite broad. It is known mainly as cut, simply cut, while in the north it is known as Ebaki. In Latin America can also be called cortadito or brown. In French-speaking areas, it can also be mentioned as Café Noisette.
But this type is not so widespread by the rest of the world, and it is common that in some Anglo-Saxon or central European countries, they do not understand any of these names, or they simply do not know what you want to ask for. 

So, good advice in those cases is to ask for an espresso with milk.
This has two brothers so characteristic that they rival him in popularity. The differences between them are small and causes that in establishments with little experience, they serve you an ordinary cut coffee:

Caffè Macchiatto

Commonly known in Spain as Café Manchado, a direct translation of its original name. Sun name tries to express the idea of smearing an expresso with a little milk. Although in some places they also nickname piccolo latte or espresso macchiato. In France, it is popularly known as Lait Tacheté.
The two major differences with cutting are that a smaller amount of milk is used. And in general, it is usually served very foamed.

Crème Coffee

This is very popular in France, but nevertheless, it is a great unknown in the rest of the world.

Its composition is very similar to cut, and that is why it is common to get confused. However, they are quite different because milk cream is used as a substitute for milk. A change of ingredients that will give a completely different texture and flavour.

Viennese coffee
Another type of coffee, whose main distinction is in the substitution of milk, for another ingredient. In this case, whipped cream will be used to accompany it. This usually goes on a normal or double espresso.

Even without being the most popular, it is possible to ask for the rest of the world, for this you will have to refer to him as Expresso con Panna. Specifically, it is known by that name in English-speaking countries.

Bonbon coffee

Like most of its variants, in this case, we will also substitute milk for another ingredient. The candidate used is the delicious condensed milk.
It is usually done first, to add the infusion immediately afterwards. Due to its density, the milk will be low, while the coffee is up, generating two very distinguishable layers.

Jamaican coffee

This is a work of art. Its preparation is somewhat more complex than the others because it has more ingredients. Although the order in which they are added is not relevant, it is recommended to follow the following sequence.
First, put coffee liqueur, then pour a long expresso, and cover it with cream. The final touch is given a little cocoa powder scattered on the surface.

Asian coffee

This variety of cut has its origin in the Spanish municipality of Cartagena. And although its origins date back to 1940, a fairly recent date if we contextualize it in the long history of coffee, it has turned out to be one of the most common types of coffees in that region.

And what does it contain? Its base is formed by two layers composed of a long espresso and condensed milk, in the same proportions. Above this base, a layer of alcohol is added, which is formed with a little Brandy, usually of the cognac type, and liquor 43, flamed with a little cinnamon. The original recipe for that flaming also included lemon rind and some coffee beans, but as we have already mentioned, these recipes, and especially if they are made, vary a lot with time and region.

Types of Coffee with milk

This is the older brother of the cut. It is served in a large 200ml cup, and half is filled with coffee and the other half with milk.

This is the perfect companion for informal chat afternoons, studies nights, hard work, and even turns out to be a great supplement for any breakfast. It is one of the most popular types of coffee.

Its origins date back to the seventeenth century. However, it was not until the late nineteenth century, which was known globally thanks to the American writer William Dean Howells. He named it in one of his books, in which he narrated a trip through Italy.

Since it is so popular, it has the advantage that it is easy to find in any coffee shop in the world. Caffè

Latte: In Italian, although in English speaking countries you also know it with variations: caffelatte or caffellatte.
Café au late: Name given in France.
Coffee with milk: Or only Latte for the Anglo-Saxons.
MilchKaffee: In Germany and some countries in Eastern Europe.
But without a doubt, the three most international names are caffelatte, late, and coffee with milk. With these three phrases, you will practically have no problems in enjoying this pleasant way of drinking coffee.
In addition to the classical form of preparation, there is a wide range of variations, which enrich the ways in which to take it:


This is one of the most popular types of coffee in the world. Of Italian origin, and whose name is the well-known cappuccino, has reached everywhere for its irresistible flavour and texture. It is the perfect companion of any breakfast, especially in Italy, in snacks, or to take after dinners.
The adequate proportions in the cup are 1/3 of coffee alone and 2/3 of frothed milk. To achieve its characteristic texture, it is necessary that half of the milk is in the form of a foam. In addition, the mixture is completed with cocoa or cinnamon powder scattered on the surface.


One of the simplest variations, the only thing that changes, are the proportions of infusion and milk. The normal thing is to add 1/3 of coffee and 2/3 of normal milk. Sometimes it vaporizes to generate the typical foam.
Although the most popular name in Spanish is tear, in other Spanish-speaking places it is known as spotted milk. In certain countries of South America, especially in Venezuela, is known by bottle or white. Outside of this context, as a general rule, you can refer to it by its translation into Italian, latte machiatto.

Caramel Coffee Macchiato

Its composition is very similar to that of a tear. 1/3 of the cup for coffee infusion will be used, another 1/3 for normal milk, and the last one for milk froth. To finish it, a layer of candy is put on the surface, which is usually used to make a drawing or artistic form. That last detail is responsible for making this variation, one of the preferred types of coffee to fly our creativity.

In addition to the classical form, there are two different ways to do it. On the one hand, we have the style of the well-known Starbucks franchise, which will add a little vanilla. And the other variant is the less artistic since the candy is no longer visible because it mixes directly with the infusion.

Hawaiian coffee

This is also quite simple to make, besides it does not mean much change with respect to traditional coffee with milk, because you only have to replace normal milk with coconut milk.

There is another way to prepare it, which I have to say, is quite practical. Basically, it's about pouring striped coconut over a common latte.

Caffè Breve

If you want a coffee with milk, very tasty and full-bodied, this is yours. It would be the American twin brother. The classic mixture consists of filling half the cup of coffee infusion. Then we will fill 1/4 of the cup with normal milk, and the other 1/4 with cream.

It is very popular there, and it is not unusual to find a multitude of establishments specializing in coffee, which have this same name.

Cold Coffee Types

Usually, when we refer to this drink, we tend to think of hot infusions. However, in many parts of the world decided to break with that idea, discovering a totally new dimension, which gives it greater versatility if possible. It is especially appreciated in hot times, and therefore, it is more common to find it in warm countries.

The simplest way to serve them is to add ice to a hot preparation. It is usually done especially in the expresso, the cut, and in the carachillo of baylis. Anyway, there are more elaborated:


Being one of the most popular cold coffee varieties in the world. Its origin is located in Greece, and it is said that its discoverer was a Nestlé employee named Dimitris Vakondios.

The original recipe is made using instant coffee, which you dissolve in hot water. But once it has been well diluted, cold water, ice, and in some cases, vaporized milk are added. The final detail is to add a bit of vanilla ice cream. All that must be mixed well, usually done in cocktail style.


One of the types of coffee with the highest caloric intake. It is composed of cold infusion of coffee, accompanied by a ball of frozen chocolate, covered by the cream of milk. The touch of grace, you will give it by adding strips of chocolate, whose purpose is to improve its appearance in the presentation.
As you can see, a delight, although a bit heavy.


This is not so well known, but for lovers of liquors, it will be your ideal drink for hot seasons. It is composed of a layer of whiskey, and another of cold coffee. Finally, a scoop of vanilla ice cream is added. So simple, you will easily have it done, ready to drink in a good terrace, on a hot day.
According to the way in which the infusion is prepared

Coffee types are not distinguished only by their presentation. The way we 
prepare the infusion is very important because its influence on taste and texture is very remarkable.

It is usually the great unknown, given that its visual impact is much less than in the types of presentation. However, we should not disregard the important influence it gives him in his final taste.

The basic concept is quite simple, it's about passing hot water through a filter full of coffee powder. But like everything, there are different ways to improve this process, and it was not going to be less with a drink of such a tradition.


By having the same name as coffee alone, there is usually confusion. In this case, it refers to the way in which the infusion is prepared. But using this method of preparation, you can also make other types of coffee, such as a cut or a coffee with milk.

It is the most famous of all and basically consists in filtering the hot water under pressure by the ground grain. Most bars, classic coffee machines and current machines, work like this.

In 2000 a new type of preparation appeared using capsules. This famous and comfortable way to prepare coffee, has spread around the world quickly, greatly facilitating the preparation process.

Turkish Coffee
All a Turkish relic, proof of this is the recognition granted by Unesco, which named its intangible cultural heritage of Humanity ... a privilege!
Generally, Arabica coffee bean is used, ground so finely that its texture is close to the flour. But it can also be done with other types, as long as they are well ground. Cold water is mixed with the grinding, in a traditional container called Cezve.

This container is a metal saucepan with a long handle, generally adorned with beautiful shapes. It is typical of Turkey, although it can be found in other areas of the world such as Greece (Briki), Armenia (Jazva), or Russia (Turka). It is considered the oldest way to prepare and serve coffee.

This is one of the most commercial types of profile coffee. It is very useful because it is prepared very easily and quickly. It is a type of grain specifically treated, so that it dissolves quickly in liquids, usually water or milk.
Most of the best-known trademarks have it as one of its flagship products. As for example the typical Nestcafé, Marcilla or Colcafé.

Depending on the Grinding Method
The type of milling has a great influence on the flavour and final texture of the infusion. However, it is difficult to detect differences at first sight between two infusions with different types. However, as soon as you give the first sip, its dissimilarities will become evident.

One of the aspects that generate more impact in its quality, is the time elapsed since the roasted grain is crushed. The more time passes, the greater will be its deterioration, and therefore the quality will be worse.

When the grain is mortified, the amount of pure coffee exposed to oxygen is greater, and this will negatively affect its aroma and flavour.

Another of the most relevant aspects is the fineness of the resulting dust. The finer it is, the rougher and bitter its flavour will be. Otherwise, the coarse particles will result in an aqueous infusion and with little taste.

Molinado: It is achieved by means of machines that use several blades, which will leave the grain very fine and homogeneous. It is very common in bars and is what usually produces that loud and characteristic sound of any cafeteria.
Smoothie: It is the homemade version of the previous one. A blender will be used to grind the grain. The problem with this is that it does not leave it as regular or as fine as the previous one.
Crushed: This is the traditional way of doing it. Although it is a little tired, and it takes a long time to do it, its results are very good since it leaves a grind without excessively large particles and quite homogeneous. It is the method used to prepare Turkish coffee.

Please comment which coffee do you like the most and why?